The HTTP 400 family of response codes are broadly classed as 'client errors', but that doesn't necessarily mean you've done something wrong. Here are some common causes of 4xx response codes and what you might do about them.
400 'Bad request'
Usually a 400 response means that you have tried to crate an Asset or Event and the content of your Asset/Event JSON was malformed in some way, or missing a required element. In most cases the DataTrails API endpoints will return extended error information to tell you what's wrong.
401 'Unauthorized'
You are not logged in. try refreshing your browser session (web UI) or token (SDK)
402 'Payment Required'
You are trying to access a feature that is not included in your subscription or have exceeded the limits for your subscription tier. Please get in touch with us to discuss your needs and upgrade your subscription if necessary.
403 'Forbidden'
You are logged in, but do not have rights to access the resource you are calling. Often this means that you are a non-root user trying to access Root User features, or are trying to access a REST endpoint that doesn't exist. Depending on the error there may be extended error info to tell you what's wrong.
404 'Not Found'
You have tried to access an Asset or Event that does not exist in your collection. Note that this is dependent on the perspective of the user you are authorised as so if you are certain that the Asset identity you are calling is correct then it is likely that you do not have access permission to it.
429 'Too Many Requests'
You have exceeded the rate limits for your subscription tier. The server will return extended information indicating how long you should wait before trying again. If the rate limiting is too strict for your needs then please get in touch with us to discuss your needs and upgrade your subscription if necessary.