This collection is the largest one and represents both the Assets and Events API reference articles. It creates three different assets.
The first is a DataTrails native Asset that does not conform to an Asset Profile and does not contain an attachment. This Asset UUID will be re-used for the Compliance API call grouping.
This shows you how to create an Asset, register and Event and how to untrack and re-track an Asset.
The second Asset is the same type as the first but includes an attachment by referencing a BLOB UUID and a BLOB hash. This means that you need to have run the BLOB grouping before this call will work.
These show how to create an Asset with an Attachment as an Asset attribute, an Event attribute and also how to set a thumbnail image for the Asset in the UI.
The third type conforms to the Document Profile. This is a type of Asset with a defined set of attributes and Event types and a defined lifecycle. Note that this example create a Public Asset that will provide a Public URL for use with the "public URL" API call.
Document Profile Assets can also be verified using Instaproof.
The remaining API calls show you how to search for Assets and Events using different attributes. Note that you will need to modify the search time in the URL of the "specified time" call.